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is a community-focused, hospital-based program designed to reduce recidivism among youth ages 12-25.
is affiliated with the Emergency Department (ED) at Memorial Medical Center.
is a program offered by the Victims-Witness Advocacy Program, a division of the Office of the District Attorney
works with victims who are in the ED for intentional injuries, such as gun shots and knife wounds.
is designed to address the physical, emotional, and social needs that victims of violence face after being released from the ED.
Goals and Objectives
To facilitate and optimize trauma-informed practice in the Emergency Department at Memorial Health
To reduce rates of injuries and rates of arrests for violent crimes
To break the cycle of arrest and emergency room re-admission for victims of violent injury in the 12-25 age cohort
To assess issues of retaliation and witness intimidation at the earliest opportunity
To ensure the location and participation of the victims of violence for court processes
To provide wrap-around social services immediately after the injury
Why Intercept?
Without intervention, hospitals discharge victims of violence to the same violent environment where they were injured.
Often this fosters a pathological cycle where they or their friends and family retaliate, causing even more injuries or death, arrest, and incarceration.
Studies show that hospitalization for violence related injuries is recurrent, with hospital readmission rates for subsequent assaults as high as 44 percent and subsequent homicide rates as high as 20 percent.
In a clinical trial conducted from 1999-2002, researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that a hospital-based Intercept can help break the cycle of violence and violent crimes that often lead to traumatic injuries. The study, conducted at the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, part of the University of Maryland Medical Center, was published in the September 2006 issue of the Journal of Trauma.
The researchers found:
Patients who participated in the trauma center's Intercept were three (3) times less likely to be arrested for a subsequent violent crime
Four (4) times less likely to be convicted later of a violent crime
Two (2) times less likely to commit any crime at all
The Intercept group's trauma center re-admission rate was 5% while the control group's was 35%
Intercept Staff's Ongoing Connection With Clients
The Intercept staff focuses on connecting victims to comprehensive support services:
Health care and physical rehabilitation
Education and counseling
Job training and placement
Substance abuse treatment and Post Traumatic Stress treatment
Additionally, the staff undertakes the following:
On-going phone calls and home visits
Support and advocacy during the court process
Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia